
发布:21-10-27 15:16更新: 点击数:














20099 – 20136月,中南大学,获学士学位;

20139 – 20209月,浙江大学,获博士学位;

20182 – 20192月,英国南安普顿大学,联合培养博士研究生;



1、   国家自然科学基金青年项目,水-动力耦合作用下路基力学特性及内部水分运移机理研究,2022.012024.12,主持

2、   国家自然科学基金面上项目,粒间结构变化时高速铁路散粒体道床劣化机理及控制研究,2017-012020-12,参加

3、   国家自然科学基金面上项目,酸性矿区植被-矿渣覆盖层长效防渗隔氧机理及设计,2022.012025.12,参加

4、   国家自然科学基金面上项目,加锚裂隙岩体动力响应特征及新型锚固结构抗震机理研究,2022.012025.12,参加

5、   福建省自然科学基金,雨水侵入后含水囊高铁路基的劣化机理及控制研究, 20202023,主持

6、   福州大学科研启动基金,高速列车荷载作用下非饱和多层路基动力响应研究,20202022,主持

7、   教育部重点实验室基金,高速列车荷载作用下饱和软土地基动力响应研究, 20202022,主持

8、   复杂环境下城市轨道交通修建关键技术,中交海峡建设投资发展有限公司,2019.11 2020.06,主持

9、   福州火车站南广场深大异形基坑开挖变形控制研究,福州市建总投资发展有限公司,20212024,主持


1.        Hu J, Bian X. Experimental and numerical studies on dynamic responses of tunnel and soils due to train traffic loads. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2022, 128: 104628.  TOP期刊

2.        胡静, 唐跃, 张家康, 蒋红光, 边学成, 邓涛. 水位抬升对高铁路基动力响应及长期沉降的影响. 交通运输工程学报, 2023, 3.  TOP期刊

3.        胡静, 唐跃,张家康,邓涛. 高速列车荷载作用下饱和软土地基动力响应研究. 岩土力学, 2021, 42(11): 3169-3181.  TOP期刊

4.        Hu J, Bian X. Analysis of dynamic stresses in ballasted railway track due to train passages at high speeds. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2022, 23(6): 443-457.

5.        Hu J., Wu Y., Bian X., and Chen Y. Investigations into the Critical Speeds in Ballasted and Ballastless Track, in Advances in Transportation Geotechnics IV: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics Volume 2, 2022, 473-481: Springer International Publishing.

6.        胡静, 唐跃, 张家康, 边学成, 邓涛. 轨道类型对地铁隧道及周边环境动力响应的影响. 地下空间与工程学报, 2022, 10.

7.        Hu, J., Bian, X., Xu, W., David Thompson. Investigation into the critical speed of ballastless track. Transportation Geotechnics, 2019: 18, 142-148.

8.        Bian, X., Hu, J., David Thompson, William Powrie. Pore pressure generation in a poro-elastic soil under moving train loads. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019: 125, 105711.

9.        Hu, J., Bian, X., Chen, Y. Nonlinear consolidation of multilayer soil under cyclic loadings. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2019: 1-23.

10.    Hu J., Bian X., and Jiang J. Critical velocity of high-speed train running on soft soil and induced dynamic soil response Procedia engineering, 2016; 143:1034-1042.

11.    Hu J., Duan X., Bian X., and Jiang J. Dynamic Stresses in Embankment and Ground Caused by HST with the Considering of Track Irregularity Environmental Vibrations and Transportation Geodynamics 7, 2018; 233-242.

12.    Duan X., Hu J., Bian X., and Jiang J. Dynamic interaction of vehicle-track coupled system under different patterns of uneven settlement Environmental Vibrations and Transportation Geodynamics 7, 2018; 565-573.

13.    Liu H., Hu J., and Bian X. Field Test and Analysis on Subway Train Induced Vibration Environmental Vibrations and Transportation Geodynamics 7, 2018; 181-188.

14.    Bian X., Li W., Hu J., Liu H., Duan X., and Chen Y. Geodynamics of high-speed railway Transportation Geotechnics, 2018; 17:69-76.

15.    Bian X., Jiang H., Chang C., Hu J., and Chen Y. Track and ground vibrations generated by high-speed train running on ballastless railway with excitation of vertical track irregularities Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2015; 76:29-43.


担任《Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE)》、《Transportation Geotechnics》、《Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems》等期刊的审稿人。



